Saturday, November 22, 2008

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Laser against bad breath from tonsils

laser technique against bad breath from tonsils cryptic

If the 'bad breath from cryptic tonsils despite truce does not give you candy, mouthwash and toothpaste, a new hope from even potrebbegiungere laser. Report scientists from the biomedical research center Sapir Israel, in Kfar Saba.

causes. L ' halitosis can be very detrimental for those who have it and feels uncomfortable in the clear parlare con gli altri, sia per coloro che gli stanno vicino e ne subiscono le conseguenze senza potersi difendere. Cause principali dell’alitosi sono le infezioni/infiammazioni del cavo orale e dell’apparato digerente superiore (stomatiti, gengiviti etc.). Generalmente i colpevoli dell'alito cattivo sono i batteri che si annidano tra i denti e le gengive e che rilasciano gas dall'odore poco gradevole.

U na buona igiene della bocca è sufficiente per risolvere il problema, la situazione è più complessa quando i batteri si annidano nelle pieghe delle tonsille , un ambiente ideale dove vivono e si moltiplicano indisturbati.

technique. The new technique, developed by the group led by Yehuda Finkelstein, has been tested on 53 patients, all suffering from a serious bad breath from tonsils. Fifteen minutes of laser application, writes the British weekly New Scientist we eliminate this disorder. The laser is able to sniff out bacteria and, striking the folds of tissue in which they hide, creating scars that may no longer be colonized by microorganisms and other annoyances.

treatment is done simply with a few drops of anesthetic gas on the tonsils and is not particularly painful. For more than half of people treated was just a single treatment, while others needed a bit 'more patience, but they have been able to eradicate the problem with two or three applications of the laser. Not all health care seem excited about the Israeli method: Richard Price of the American Dental Association has stated that the laser can be used as a last resort, since only 6 percent of bad breath appear to be related to the tonsils. Price told New Scientist: "Try first with conventional methods. Clean the tongue and neck brush swishing with mouthwash seems to work in most People with this disorder. "

By de scientific thought Publisher

If you intend to solve the halitosis problem using the discoveries of cryptic caseous Anna Watson
by permanently releasing tonsilloliti forever you can click here

Friday, November 21, 2008

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against bad breath from tonsils bad breath remedies bad breath

Bad breath remedies

Now you can put the right remedies to 'bad breath

Oggi puoi porre i giusti rimedi all' alito cattivo meglio definito come alitosi criptico caseosa . Hai scoperto già da tempo forse, di avere dei residui o palline bianche nelle tonsille che emanano un odore terribile ? Hai sperimentato qualunque sistema igienico senza successo? .....

I cosi definiti tonsilloliti sono un accumulo di componenti di tipo batterico a forma sferica "caseum" . L'odore prodotto dai tonsilloliti è talmente forte da generare alito cattivo permanente. Hai ever tried to explore the area behind the tonsils? The tonsil stones are hidden well.

Anna Watson thanks to his research has identified the elements that cause the production of tonsilloliti and the resulting bad breath. This guide can make your own now for a few dollars here are

This is the only serious product existing network and perhaps the world that guarantees you get rid of life by tonsil caseum for ... always guaranteed!

Through the procedures contained in the guide that are 100% natural permanently delete this form of halitosis in about 3 weeks. Simply acting on some elements of your diet to eliminate the recurrence of life tonsilloliti, allowing your breath to come back fresh and fragrant forever.

Click Here and explores the author's website Millions of people worldwide suffer from this disease is are doomed to have a type of halitosis difficult to resolve even with antibiotics or with a laser.

I tonsilloliti reproduce life causing you to breath stink if we do not use this guide. For this reason it is necessary to know the secrets to avoid playback. No need to constantly squeeze the tonsils ... Read the story of Anna Watson Here .

If squeezed by removing the tonsils caseum inflammation by generating a new reaction of reproduction and halitosis caseous more pronounced. Learn how you can get rid of this material tonsillar forever with a natural remedy. Avoid spending more money on products that do not work or for frequent visits.

The solution exists and is this guide, I speak from experience. Derived from the conditions of your tonsils to normal by getting fresh breath that you always wanted to have Click Here

Thursday, November 20, 2008

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Tonsillite criptica e alito cattivo

Sconfiggere definitivamente l'alito cattivo causato da tonsillite criptica

Tonsillite “criptico-caseosa” viene così definita per la presenza di cavità tonsillari dilatate (cripte) e di zaffi biancastri maleodoranti (caseum) o pietre tonsillari, emananti un odore terribile, dando luogo alla famosa alitosi criptica o alito cattivo .

Le pietre tonsillari si formano all'interno delle cripte tonsillari , which can cause bad breath and repeated infections such as abscesses or rheumatic diseases. Normally, we recommend asking the right specialists to carry out tests to assess whether infection status of cryptic tonsils.

For treatment you try in the first instance to medical treatment of various types, sometimes you need to go to traditional surgery or laser treatment. The tonsilloliti are one of the mysteries of our human condition.

It seems that there are some people genetically predisposed to the development of tonsillar stones causing bad breath. Normally those suffering from this problem, a complaint with the classic terrible halitosis smell of cheese (caseum) rotten, odore che fuoriesce dal proprio respiro, sia dalla bocca che dal naso classico alito cattivo .

L'alitosi criptico caseosa sembra non avere rimedi e controllo di tipo naturale. I soliti consigli sono quelli dell'utilizzo di interventi chirurgici per l'asportazione delle tonsille. Ma esistono sistemi naturali efficaci per debellare definitivamente il problema dell'alito cattivo causato dagli zaffi bianchi e puzzolenti?

Informazioni presenti in rete e consigli di illustri esperti puntano tutti sull'igiene tonsillare, la quale si e' rivelata poco efficace nel risolvere il problema..
Attento perchè le pietre tonsillari sono una reazione a slight inflammation of the tonsils cryptic (a kind of defense mechanism).

more you try to remove the white patches and smelly and more 'inflame the tonsil crypts, with the result that after half an hour recur invading the breath of a sulfur smell even more' teeth. As you know this smell is so strong as to resist any mouthwash or chewing gum.

know better than me how this problem can devastate our relational life. But looks up at the sky and thanked the author of this manual and 'finally succeeded in defeating the formation of tonsilloliti naturally. The secrets are contained in this manual (even if it 'in English should try to snatch the secret is not it? I apologize laguida has been translated into Italian)

Friday, November 14, 2008

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Hepatitis C Hepatitis C - Vertex reveals excellent data on a drug's

treatment investigational action institution attentam monitored on hepatitis C, conducted by Vertex uticals Pharmacie Inc, has shown a remarkable capacity to eliminate the virus in patients who have failed other treatments and those not previously treated for severe liver disease. The data relating to the trial who is now half way before the goal.

As demonstrated in previous studies, the experimental drug to Vertex on telaprevir, when combined with standard treatments, may be able to reduce to half the required 48 weeks of treatment with the current standard of care, Besides being more efficient.

In a study known as Test 3 with 453 patients who had failed previous treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin, 52 percent of those who received telaprevir has seen a steady reduction of the virus to undetectable levels persisted for 12 weeks after stopping treatment. (Source: The interim analysis of data that were presented at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases).

The percentage of undetectable virus in 24 weeks after treatment, it will be a critical measure, known as sustained viral response (SVR).

"The effectiveness in non-responders is enormous. Nobody should have any doubt that this drug is working," said Jason Kolbert, an analyst at Susquehanna Financial Group.

"If Vertex is able to provide superior results to 35% in patients with severe HCV, is a huge jump. If the results are close to 50 percent, then it is a great success," Kolbert said prior to the disclosure of the result of 52%.

Hepatitis C is a disease that can lead to chronic liver disease, liver cancer, cirrhosis and death. The virus affects an estimated 170 million people around the world.

The most common side effects observed in patients treated with telaprevir trial in the study were gastrointestinal problems, skin rash and anemia. 14% of patients discontinued treatment due to adverse events seen in Experiment 2 and 16% in experiment 3, Vertex said.

Vertex is determined to start the advanced stage of the trial of telaprevir and its partner Johnson & Johnson.

Many companies are developing potential drugs rivals, including Schering-Plough Corp. boceprevir However, the testing phase in which it and the results achieved is largely in the telaprevir, and advantage should be the first in its class to reach the market.

(New York, Reporting Bill Berkrot, visit Router for full text)