Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is Zipfizz Bad For You


In a political climate of great confusion, as the current one, I believe that every citizen who wants to practice politics with transparency, and foresight in the interest of the community is required now more than ever, to explain very clearly and firmly just as their point of view.

I participated as a founder of the Democratic Party primaries, along with other Italians and 3.5 million policies in 2008 I gave my contribution by working in the secretariat of the PD city, cheering for the legendary result of 45% with many other activists of the party. Due to known events, along with other friends I chose to autosospendermi by the Democratic Party, while continuing to closely follow the events of this major reformist party, continuing to gravitate quell'orbita in politics, which still remains my reference point.
These days, the postponement of Monte Sant'Angelo in UNESCO gave the result as the first indictment of the culture against Franco Nasuti. The political conditions that have arisen suggest that "United for Monte" on occasion, though not often, may have difficulty within the numerical City Council, that even a few tweaks to the Board may fix.
In this climate could be considered lack of support of government action, or giving space to new and improvised numerical majorities, which have nothing to do with a shared programmatic vision of the City. Many will agree that this contrasts with what he needs Monte Sant'Angelo.
They all know that these variable geometry, perhaps useful for the immediate "pull a living," are the most fertile ground where it germinates anti-politics and distrust of citizens towards the institutions.
In those circumstances, the Mayor Andrea Ciliberti could take another route: to resign ahead of regional elections of 2010, to come back with a new team. All this would be extremely transparent and away from mess-ups or anything like that, because a new political solution to this crisis would emerge from the polls, called by an explicit popular consensus in favor of those who wish to support this new policy initiative.
Meanwhile, until the next municipal elections, it could serve as a technical council, composed of distinguished guests, taken by civil society, of long experience and proven ability to govern.
In view of the municipal le forze del centro sinistra potrebbero cominciare a programmare insieme la propria politica sulle questioni urgenti per Monte Sant’Angelo, costruendo sui temi le ragioni dello stare insieme, per offrire la propria alternativa politica più efficace in vista di quella competizione elettorale.
Questo clima di difficoltà oggettiva della maggioranza è la migliore occasione per tutti coloro che si riconoscono nella “buona politica”, che non è né di destra né di sinistra, per rispondere con decisione e trasparenza ai tanti cittadini che paventano inciuci e ribaltoni, proprio come impongono le regole della democrazia, pensando al bene della nostra comunità, senza “se” e senza 'But'.