Monday, December 29, 2008

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Halitosis cryptic but what is it? Laser

Halitosis cryptic cheesy but what is it?

The cause halitosis cryptic caseous

As we all know we mean by the term tonsillitis inflammation of tonsils. Cryptic tonsils true, that kind of tonsils that have pockets, or crypts within which a reaction to inflammation, if present, the body generates a cell product called tonsilloliti : an accumulation of bacteria and residue-producing sulfur that are deposited in the tonsil crypts (small pockets in the surface of the tonsils). Determining halitosis cryptic caseous indomitable.

In their composition, belong accumulations of bacteria, waste-producing sulfur, hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan executives warned that the bad smell when they are released into the oral cavity.

Halitosis generated from cryptic tonsils can have a devastating negative impact on quality of life of sufferers.

But how is it that so far there is not a cure?

Have you ever wondered why . I I I sono chiesto e la risposta è arrivata da questa formidabile guida che ti spiega come procedere passo passo per eliminare per sempre dalla tua vita le ripudianti pietre tonsillari.

Anche se è in lingua inglese il manuale è libero da restrizioni e facile da capire, quindi ho semplicemente selezionato il testo e fatto un copia e incolla sul traduttore inglese italiano di google. Risultato: "possiedo ora il manuale tradotto in italiano! Per compiere questa operazione ci ho messo circa mezzora, 5 minuti per effettuare il pagamento con la mia postePay e circa 25 minuti per tradurre l'ebook impadronendomi dei segreti che nessun medico ti dice riguardo questa maledetta caseous cryptic halitosis.
Again, I learned the wonderful secrets . Natural Remedies and 100% conclusive. I immediately got rid of tonsilloliti through the washing technique described by and I immediately put into practice the first secret for 2 weeks.

My problem is' already solved definitively for this reason I talk about it with enthusiasm and I recommend the immediate purchase of qesto valuable guide because most likely you're going to fight without results. not remove the tonsils! Almenoche not there is a serious need. You can get rid of tonsilloliti forever without removing the tonsils .

you continue to use mouthwash for much spending money? You know I do not work. The tonsilloliti are terrible and hide well. You also know that after having removed the stones recur on time. Available now for ever by this terrible problem. "Decide"

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Sunday, December 14, 2008

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The combination therapies like those used for patients with HIV infection may be the best way to treat the hepatitis C virus (HCV), say the researchers at the University of Leeds.

The study of a protein called P7 revealed that the differences in the genetic coding of proteins between virus strains - known as genotypes - change the sensitivity of the virus to drugs that block its function.

The P7 protein helps the virus spread throughout the body and is a promising target for new drug treatment being tested against Hepatitis C. His role was discovered in 2003 by Dr. Steve Griffin of the professors Dave Rowlands and Mark Harris. In laboratory tests their latest research shows that inhibition of protein P7 with medication can prevent the spread of hepatitis C.

"One of the challenges in finding the treatment of viruses is their ability to constantly change their genetic makeup," says Professor Harris. "Our research shows that there may be a solution for everyone with the approach to HCV treatment with inhibitors of protein P7 in the future. We believe that the combination of treatments will be much more efficient because it takes into account the variability protein P7.

About 180 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C causes inflammation of the liver and can lead to liver failure or liver cancer. It spreads through contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids, there is no vaccine against the disease that is largely asymptomatic in its early stages. The disease is currently treated with broad spectrum, with no specific antiviral drugs. Source: ScienceDaily (Dec. 2008)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

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Laser against bad breath from tonsils

laser technique against bad breath from tonsils cryptic

If the 'bad breath from cryptic tonsils despite truce does not give you candy, mouthwash and toothpaste, a new hope from even potrebbegiungere laser. Report scientists from the biomedical research center Sapir Israel, in Kfar Saba.

causes. L ' halitosis can be very detrimental for those who have it and feels uncomfortable in the clear parlare con gli altri, sia per coloro che gli stanno vicino e ne subiscono le conseguenze senza potersi difendere. Cause principali dell’alitosi sono le infezioni/infiammazioni del cavo orale e dell’apparato digerente superiore (stomatiti, gengiviti etc.). Generalmente i colpevoli dell'alito cattivo sono i batteri che si annidano tra i denti e le gengive e che rilasciano gas dall'odore poco gradevole.

U na buona igiene della bocca è sufficiente per risolvere il problema, la situazione è più complessa quando i batteri si annidano nelle pieghe delle tonsille , un ambiente ideale dove vivono e si moltiplicano indisturbati.

technique. The new technique, developed by the group led by Yehuda Finkelstein, has been tested on 53 patients, all suffering from a serious bad breath from tonsils. Fifteen minutes of laser application, writes the British weekly New Scientist we eliminate this disorder. The laser is able to sniff out bacteria and, striking the folds of tissue in which they hide, creating scars that may no longer be colonized by microorganisms and other annoyances.

treatment is done simply with a few drops of anesthetic gas on the tonsils and is not particularly painful. For more than half of people treated was just a single treatment, while others needed a bit 'more patience, but they have been able to eradicate the problem with two or three applications of the laser. Not all health care seem excited about the Israeli method: Richard Price of the American Dental Association has stated that the laser can be used as a last resort, since only 6 percent of bad breath appear to be related to the tonsils. Price told New Scientist: "Try first with conventional methods. Clean the tongue and neck brush swishing with mouthwash seems to work in most People with this disorder. "

By de scientific thought Publisher

If you intend to solve the halitosis problem using the discoveries of cryptic caseous Anna Watson
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Friday, November 21, 2008

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against bad breath from tonsils bad breath remedies bad breath

Bad breath remedies

Now you can put the right remedies to 'bad breath

Oggi puoi porre i giusti rimedi all' alito cattivo meglio definito come alitosi criptico caseosa . Hai scoperto già da tempo forse, di avere dei residui o palline bianche nelle tonsille che emanano un odore terribile ? Hai sperimentato qualunque sistema igienico senza successo? .....

I cosi definiti tonsilloliti sono un accumulo di componenti di tipo batterico a forma sferica "caseum" . L'odore prodotto dai tonsilloliti è talmente forte da generare alito cattivo permanente. Hai ever tried to explore the area behind the tonsils? The tonsil stones are hidden well.

Anna Watson thanks to his research has identified the elements that cause the production of tonsilloliti and the resulting bad breath. This guide can make your own now for a few dollars here are

This is the only serious product existing network and perhaps the world that guarantees you get rid of life by tonsil caseum for ... always guaranteed!

Through the procedures contained in the guide that are 100% natural permanently delete this form of halitosis in about 3 weeks. Simply acting on some elements of your diet to eliminate the recurrence of life tonsilloliti, allowing your breath to come back fresh and fragrant forever.

Click Here and explores the author's website Millions of people worldwide suffer from this disease is are doomed to have a type of halitosis difficult to resolve even with antibiotics or with a laser.

I tonsilloliti reproduce life causing you to breath stink if we do not use this guide. For this reason it is necessary to know the secrets to avoid playback. No need to constantly squeeze the tonsils ... Read the story of Anna Watson Here .

If squeezed by removing the tonsils caseum inflammation by generating a new reaction of reproduction and halitosis caseous more pronounced. Learn how you can get rid of this material tonsillar forever with a natural remedy. Avoid spending more money on products that do not work or for frequent visits.

The solution exists and is this guide, I speak from experience. Derived from the conditions of your tonsils to normal by getting fresh breath that you always wanted to have Click Here

Thursday, November 20, 2008

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Tonsillite criptica e alito cattivo

Sconfiggere definitivamente l'alito cattivo causato da tonsillite criptica

Tonsillite “criptico-caseosa” viene così definita per la presenza di cavità tonsillari dilatate (cripte) e di zaffi biancastri maleodoranti (caseum) o pietre tonsillari, emananti un odore terribile, dando luogo alla famosa alitosi criptica o alito cattivo .

Le pietre tonsillari si formano all'interno delle cripte tonsillari , which can cause bad breath and repeated infections such as abscesses or rheumatic diseases. Normally, we recommend asking the right specialists to carry out tests to assess whether infection status of cryptic tonsils.

For treatment you try in the first instance to medical treatment of various types, sometimes you need to go to traditional surgery or laser treatment. The tonsilloliti are one of the mysteries of our human condition.

It seems that there are some people genetically predisposed to the development of tonsillar stones causing bad breath. Normally those suffering from this problem, a complaint with the classic terrible halitosis smell of cheese (caseum) rotten, odore che fuoriesce dal proprio respiro, sia dalla bocca che dal naso classico alito cattivo .

L'alitosi criptico caseosa sembra non avere rimedi e controllo di tipo naturale. I soliti consigli sono quelli dell'utilizzo di interventi chirurgici per l'asportazione delle tonsille. Ma esistono sistemi naturali efficaci per debellare definitivamente il problema dell'alito cattivo causato dagli zaffi bianchi e puzzolenti?

Informazioni presenti in rete e consigli di illustri esperti puntano tutti sull'igiene tonsillare, la quale si e' rivelata poco efficace nel risolvere il problema..
Attento perchè le pietre tonsillari sono una reazione a slight inflammation of the tonsils cryptic (a kind of defense mechanism).

more you try to remove the white patches and smelly and more 'inflame the tonsil crypts, with the result that after half an hour recur invading the breath of a sulfur smell even more' teeth. As you know this smell is so strong as to resist any mouthwash or chewing gum.

know better than me how this problem can devastate our relational life. But looks up at the sky and thanked the author of this manual and 'finally succeeded in defeating the formation of tonsilloliti naturally. The secrets are contained in this manual (even if it 'in English should try to snatch the secret is not it? I apologize laguida has been translated into Italian)

Friday, November 14, 2008

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Hepatitis C Hepatitis C - Vertex reveals excellent data on a drug's

treatment investigational action institution attentam monitored on hepatitis C, conducted by Vertex uticals Pharmacie Inc, has shown a remarkable capacity to eliminate the virus in patients who have failed other treatments and those not previously treated for severe liver disease. The data relating to the trial who is now half way before the goal.

As demonstrated in previous studies, the experimental drug to Vertex on telaprevir, when combined with standard treatments, may be able to reduce to half the required 48 weeks of treatment with the current standard of care, Besides being more efficient.

In a study known as Test 3 with 453 patients who had failed previous treatment with pegylated interferon and ribavirin, 52 percent of those who received telaprevir has seen a steady reduction of the virus to undetectable levels persisted for 12 weeks after stopping treatment. (Source: The interim analysis of data that were presented at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases).

The percentage of undetectable virus in 24 weeks after treatment, it will be a critical measure, known as sustained viral response (SVR).

"The effectiveness in non-responders is enormous. Nobody should have any doubt that this drug is working," said Jason Kolbert, an analyst at Susquehanna Financial Group.

"If Vertex is able to provide superior results to 35% in patients with severe HCV, is a huge jump. If the results are close to 50 percent, then it is a great success," Kolbert said prior to the disclosure of the result of 52%.

Hepatitis C is a disease that can lead to chronic liver disease, liver cancer, cirrhosis and death. The virus affects an estimated 170 million people around the world.

The most common side effects observed in patients treated with telaprevir trial in the study were gastrointestinal problems, skin rash and anemia. 14% of patients discontinued treatment due to adverse events seen in Experiment 2 and 16% in experiment 3, Vertex said.

Vertex is determined to start the advanced stage of the trial of telaprevir and its partner Johnson & Johnson.

Many companies are developing potential drugs rivals, including Schering-Plough Corp. boceprevir However, the testing phase in which it and the results achieved is largely in the telaprevir, and advantage should be the first in its class to reach the market.

(New York, Reporting Bill Berkrot, visit Router for full text)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Auto Rims Blog Comment

Hepatitis B : an oral treatment with combinations of antiviral drugs has been effective against hepatitis

A team of American researchers has successfully treated chronic hepatitis B (HBV) in marmots orally.

The researchers evaluated the antiviral effect of orally administered adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), alone or in combination with lamivudine (3TC) or emtricitabine (FTC) in marmots with chronic hepatitis viral.
It was found that the treatment administered once daily for 48 weeks with ADV more than 3TC or TDF FTC has greatly reduced viral levels from those pretreatment.

The team, comprising researchers from Cornell University and Georgetown Universtiy Medical Center, found no toxicity after administration of a drug or drug combinations.

"In conclusion, oral administration of 3TC, FTC, ADV, and TDF alone and in combination, is safe and effective in the Woodchuck model for HBV infection, the researchers said.
An article describing the study was published in the Journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. (ANI)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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chronic hepatitis C: more likely to be recovered from an old drug

Based on two important discoveries in the fight against hepatitis C, researchers at Stanford University say that an old drug may be effective against hepatitis C.

It was also discovered that an obsolete anti-itching, clemizole hydrochloride could obstruct the protein and reduce the replication of the virus.

Dr. Jeffrey Glenn, associate professor of gastroenterology and hepatology, has been quoted in the journal Nature, by stating, "We are excited about this and we are actively moving towards clinical trials." The research team studied more than 1200 candidates. According to Stephen Quake, PhD, professor of bioengineering, microfluidic technology has been used for the first time to discover a specific drug.

Co author Doron Gerber, with a PhD in bioengineering, when searching for specific drug has discovered 18 other drugs that substantially reduce the 'NS4B but focused on clemizole because, as noted, is believed to be safe for 'man.

Regarding the clemizole, Glenn said it could become an essential component of a new class of multidrug treatments for hepatitis C.

Monday, May 12, 2008

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Hepatitis: hiding in the bathroom

The risk of contracting hepatitis C is hidden in the bathroom of his home, traveling the bristles of the toothbrush and razor blade. Objects of daily use which mixed use sometimes hides dangerous pitfalls. So not only do piercings or tattoos done in centers that do not meet the necessary hygiene standards required by law. Toothbrushes, razors, and manicure and pedicure instruments should be used only by one person, and avoid that they become household items in common use.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

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Cirrhosis - Cirrhosis of the liver

On this page:

* Causes * Symptoms * Complications of Cirrhosis

* Diagnosis * Treatment
* Per maggiori informazioni

Il fegato, il più grande organo del corpo, è essenziale per mantenere il corpo correttamente funzionante. Elimina o neutralizza i veleni dal sangue, produce agenti immunitari per controllare le infezioni e rimuove germi e batteri dal sangue. Questo produce le proteine che regolano la coagulazione del sangue inoltre aiuta ad assorbire i grassi e le vitamine liposolubili. Non si può vivere senza che il fegato funzioni.

La cirrosi epatica, sostituisce il normale tessuto cicatriziale, tessuto sano, bloccando il flusso del sangue attraverso l'organismo. La cirrosi epatica è la dodicesima principale causa di morte per malattia: essa infatti uccide circa 26000 persone ogni anno. Inoltre, il costo della cirrosi, in termini di sofferenza umana, gli alti costi dell'ospedale e la perdita di produttività, sono elevati.


La Cirrosi ha molte cause. In genere, l'alcolismo ed epatite cronica C sono le più comuni.

Cirrosi epatica da alcool . Per molte persone, la cirrosi del fegato è sinonimo di alcolismo cronico, ma in realtà, l'alcolismo è solo una delle cause. La Cirrosi alcolica generalmente si sviluppa dopo più di un decennio di forti bevute. La quantità di alcol che può danneggiare il fegato varia molto da persona a persona. Nelle donne, anche a partire da due o tre bicchieri al giorno e negli men of three or four drinks per day. Alcohol appears to damage the liver by blocking the normal metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

chronic hepatitis C. The hepatitis C virus and alcohol together is a major cause of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Infection with this virus causes low-grade inflammation and liver damage, which over decades can lead to cirrhosis.

Chronic hepatitis B and D. The hepatitis B virus is probably the most common cause of cirrhosis worldwide. Hepatitis B, like hepatitis C, causes inflammation of the liver and in the medium term can lead to cirrhosis. Hepatitis D is a virus that infects the liver, but only to people who already have hepatitis B.

autoimmune hepatitis. This disease appears to be caused by the immune system attacks the liver causing inflammation, damage, and eventually scarring and cirrhosis.

hereditary diseases. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, hemochromatosis, Wilson disease, galactosemia, and glycogen storage diseases are among the inherited diseases that affect the way the liver produces, processes and stores enzymes, proteins, metals and other substances that the body needs to function properly.

Nonalcoolica Steatohepatitis (NASH). In NASH fat accumulates in the liver and eventually causes scar tissue. This type of hepatitis appears to be associated with diabetes, protein malnutrition, obesity, coronary disease, treatment with corticosteroids and drugs.

Dotti blocked bile. When the ducts of the liver that carry bile out are blocked, bile it produces liver damage and tissue. In babies, blocked ducts are the most common cause of biliary atresia, a disease in which the ducts are damaged. In adults, the most common cause is primary biliary cirrhosis, a disease in which the duct becomes inflamed, blocked and damaged. The secondary biliary cirrhosis can happen after surgery.

drugs, toxins, and infection. Severe reactions to prescription drugs, prolonged exposure to environmental toxins, parasitic infections and repeated bouts of heart failure with liver congestion can all lead to cirrhosis.


Many people with cirrhosis have no symptoms in the early stages of the disease. However, when scar tissue replaces healthy cells, liver function begins to fail and a person may experience the following symptoms: * Exhaustion

* Fatigue * Loss of appetite * Nausea

* Weakness *

Weight Loss

* Abdominal pain * Spider-like blood vessels (spider angiomas) that develop on the skin

The progression of the disease can develop complications. In some people, the states mentioned above may be the first signs of the disease.

Complications of Cirrhosis:

The loss of liver function affects the body in many ways. In the following are the common problems or complications, caused by cirrhosis.

edema and ascites. When the liver loses its ability to make the protein albumin, water accumulates in the legs (edema) and in the abdomen (ascites).

bruising and bleeding. When the liver slows or stops the production of proteins needed for blood clotting, a person bleed easily. The palms of the hands may be reddish and unveils rashes.

Jaundice. Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and eyes that occurs when people with liver does not absorb enough bilirubin.

Itching. were deposited products of bile and this can cause intense itching.

gallstones. Gallstones can develop.

toxins in the blood or brain. A damaged liver is unable to eliminate toxins from the blood, leading to their accumulation in the blood and ultimately in the brain. There, toxins can cause mental functioning and cause personality changes, coma and even death. The signs of toxin accumulation in the brain can be seen from neglecting personal appearance, reacting slowly to stimuli, forgetting things, having difficulty concentrating or changes in sleep habits.

sensitivity to drugs. cirrhosis of the liver slows down the ability to filter medications from the blood. The liver does not remove the drugs from blood into normal rhythm, so they act longer than expected. This means that a person is more sensitive to drugs and their side effects.

Ipertensione portale. Normalmente, il sangue gli intestini ed alla milza è portato al fegato attraverso la vena porta. La Cirrosi rallenta il normale flusso del sangue attraverso la vena porta, che aumenta la pressione al suo interno. Questa condizione è chiamata ipertensione portale.

Varici. Quando il flusso di sangue attraverso la vena porta rallenta, il sangue dagli intestini e dalla milza ritorna nei vasi sanguigni, nell'esofago e nello stomaco. Questi vasi sanguigni possono allargarsi perché non sono destinati a portare questo surplus di sangue. I vasi sanguigni allargati sono chiamati varici, hanno pareti sottili e per l'alta pressione e quindi sono più propensi allo scoppio. Se scoppiano, the result is a serious problem of bleeding gastric and upper esophagus that requires immediate medical attention.

insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Cirrhosis causes resistance to insulin. This hormone, produced by the pancreas, enables blood glucose to be used as energy by cells of the body. If you have insulin resistance, muscle, fat, and liver cells do not use insulin properly. The pancreas tries to keep pace with the demand for insulin to be produced in greater quantities. Finally, the pancreas is unable to keep pace with the body on the need for insulin and type 2 diabetes develops as excess glucosio che si accumula nel sangue.

Il cancro al fegato. Il Carcinoma epatocellulare, un tipo di cancro del fegato comunemente causato da cirrosi, inizia nel fegato stesso. Esso ha un alto tasso di mortalità.

Problemi in altri organi. La Cirrosi epatica può causare disfunzione del sistema immunitario che porta alle infezioni. Fluido e addominale (ascite), può essere infettato con batteri normalmente presenti a livello intestinale. La Cirrosi epatica può anche portare ad impotenza, disfunzione renale ed infine all'osteoporosi.


Il medico può diagnosticare la cirrosi, sulla base dei sintomi, esami di laboratorio, medical history and physical examination. For example, during a physical exam, your doctor may notice that the liver feels harder or larger than usual and the blood tests that can show if there is a liver disease.

If you need to check for signs of disease in the liver, the doctor may order a computerized axial tomography (CAT) scanning, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or a scan of the liver using a radioisotope (a 'harmless radioactive substance that highlights the liver). Or your doctor may look at the liver using a laparoscope, an instrument that is inserted through the abdomen and images display on a computer screen.

A liver biopsy confirms the diagnosis. For a biopsy, the doctor uses a needle and takes a small sample of liver tissue, then examines it under a microscope to see scars or other signs of the disease.


damage from cirrhosis can not be canceled but treatment can stop or delay further progression and reduce complications. Treatment depends on the cause of cirrhosis and complications that a person is experiencing. For example, cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse is treated by abstaining from alcohol. Treatments for liver cirrhosis associated involve the use di farmaci usati per trattare i diversi tipi di epatite, come l'interferone per l'epatite virale e corticosteroidi per epatite autoimmune. Cirrosi epatica causata da malattia di Wilson, in cui si accumula rame negli organi, si tratta con farmaci per eliminare il rame. Questi sono solo alcuni esempi di trattamento per cirrosi. In tutti i casi, indipendentemente dalla causa, una dieta sana e l'astensione dall'alcool sono essenziali perché il corpo ha bisogno di tutte le sostanze nutritive che può ottenere. La luce e l'attività fisica possono contribuire a fermare o ritardare la cirrosi.

I trattamenti comprendono anche i rimedi per le complicazioni. Per esempio, per ascite e edema, il medico può raccomandare una dieta a basso tasso sodium or the use of diuretics, which are drugs that remove fluid from the body. Antibiotics will be prescribed for infections, and various medications can help control itching. Your doctor may also prescribe laxatives to help absorb toxins and remove them from the gut.

For portal hypertension, your doctor may prescribe a medicine for blood pressure, as a beta-blocker. If varices bleed, the doctor may inject a coagulant or perform a rubber-band ligation, which uses a special device to compress the varices and stop the bleeding.

When complications can not be controlled or when the liver becomes so damaged from scarring, arresting completamente il suo funzionamento, un trapianto di fegato è necessario. In un intervento chirurgico di trapianto di fegato, un fegato malato viene rimosso e sostituito con uno sano da un donatore di organi. Circa l'80/90 per cento dei pazienti sopravvivono al trapianto di fegato. I tassi di sopravvivenza sono migliorati nel corso degli ultimi anni a causa dei farmaci, come ciclosporina e tacrolimus, che deprimono il sistema immunitario e lo trattengono dall'attaccare e danneggiare il nuovo fegato.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

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The massages are designed to combat cellulite and veins to heal smoothly. This is to encourage blood circulation, so that the skin is fed optimally and then be able to combat such negative events precisely the cellulite.
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There is finally an exclusive technique and innovative, which guarantees the elimination of cellulite and helps reshape the body effectively and safely. The cellulite treatment, practiced with a single medical equipment and high technology, is a mild extraction technique of skin, rolling and rolling, can restore the vascular blood supply. Through this exercise the skin, allowing the restructuring of the connective tissue, cellulite treatment raises the blood and lymphatic circulation, facilitating the elimination of toxins. It also allows you to trigger a natural process of elimination of the overload fat, toning and firming the skin at the same time. The process is completely normal and does not require any invasive procedure and any chemicals. It is only to restore and reactivate the body's functions, in effect, the prerogative dell'endermologia is the safety and the ability to extend the treatment to any patient. During the sessions, each about 35/45 minutes once or twice a week, the / the patient wears a swimsuit special. The treatment will be concentrated in areas most affected by blemishing, without implying a decrease in the volume where none would be appreciated, more precisely on the face and breasts. In addition to the numerous therapeutic and aesthetic benefits, the cellulite treatment, due to its action relaxing and calming, gives an anti-stress effect is undeniable. There are no age limits for their treatment and their characteristics is to combat the effects of the passage of time. The primary responsibility, in effect, is that over the years circulatory problems tend to worsen, the imperfections of cellulite becomes chronic and the skin loses its natural elasticity and firmness, even the first wrinkles appear on the face and create excess fat, Because of the double chin and cheeks drooping. The cellulite treatment, encouraging the local microcirculation, restores the tropism of the connective tissue and improve the look and tone of the tissues. Applied to the face, the treatment helps to diminish wrinkles and reduce localized volumes, while toning the tissues in a natural way. The high technology of Cellu M6 Keymodule allows to achieve a delicate tissue mechanization and targeted mainly at the level of fat, which allows for a very special gymnastics skin, called Endermologie, which allows you to harmonize the connective tissue and stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic . It is effective on: cellulite, toning and edema

Before treatment:

results after 25 sessions of LPG:

technique or LPG cellulite treatment has existed for over 10 years and is practiced throughout the world.Omega 'high technology allows the LPG therapist to achieve a delicate tissue mechanization and targeted especially at the level of fat cells, hypodermis. This cutaneous gymnastics consists of a slight suction technique of skin, rolling and unrolling, which can restore the vascular blood supply and thus raises the blood and lymphatic circulation, facilitating the elimination of toxins by facilitating metabolic exchange, toning and firming the skin at the time itself. What serveIndicata as a preventive and curative for all age groups, is particularly useful against the effects of time and cellulite. Over the years, circulatory problems tend to increase, gradually relax the tissues and cells with the appearance of orange peel is estende.Mobilizzando tissue and increasing local microcirculation, the LPG technique allows to restore the tropism of connective, and thus to improve the look and tone of the tissues, gradually reshaping the silhouette. It also produces a remarkable calming effect and stress. How do I use them
sessions of 45 minutes, initially bi-weekly, provide for the treatment of the whole body and the wearing di una tutina personale, per conservare la delicatezza e la fluidità delle manovre.I risultati apprezzabili e l'efficacia di tale tecnica sono stati convalidati da studi scientifici condotti presso importanti università americane ed europee. E' espressamente utile in associazione a regimi alimentari ipocalorici o dopo liposuzioni. RisultatiUn corpo più armonioso, una pelle più tonica e vellutata, senza interventi invasivi o somministrazione di sostanze chimiche. Le funzioni dell'organismo e della pelle vengono naturalmente ripristinate.

AGGIUNTA: Prima del trattamento con il massaggiatore vi offro la possibilità di preparare l'anima muscolare con Flexi-Bar.
10 minuti di esercizi fatti assieme a me vi permettaranno di rafforzare l'anima muscolare e di preparare il vostro corpo in modo che possa approfittare al meglio dei massaggi. Il tutto incluso nel prezzo dei massaggi!!!

Spesso si associa adiposità cioè sovrappeso a cellulite mentre nella realtà i due problemi hanno origini, sintomatologie e cure profondamente diverse e non sempre esiste concomitanza di entrambi nella stessa persona. Non è detto infatti che donne magre vengano risparmiate dalla cellulite. L’adiposità è costituita da tessuto sano, elastico la cui circolazione sanguigna, al contrario della cellulite, è ben funzionante, ed aumenta o diminuisce a seconda del weight of our body. Cellulite other hand, is a skin condition that affects more than 90% of women, due to impaired capillary circulation which leads to fluid retention, an enlarged fat cells and connective tissue. This process also tends to worsen with age. Clinically manifested by a swelling of the subcutaneous fat lobules. These lobules and fluid trapped in the middle of the skin tend to push that exerts a pull on the connective tissue that holds it anchored to the deep layers and then giving that aspect to "orange peel" typical real disease is the result of a ' alteration vein with water retention and so to speak life to himself, suffers low swing weight. This stage is self-holds the imperfection due to insufficient blood supply of the area concerned, with stagnation of toxins, reduction of food and congestion of the connective tissue., Which loses its elasticity and becomes fibrous. Those cellulite areas become at this point, regions and inert non-reactive, while remaining indifferent to the exercise and dieting more drastic. Because of hormonal fluctuations and the different location of the fat women respond very differently than men to diet and physical activity. For example, women hold the liquid, while the men no.Nelle deep layers of fat women's meet diet and exercise, while the surface is changed only by hormonal changes. Alterations of capillary blood circulation and lymph cause fluid retention that causes the irregularities of the skin called cellulite. Certainly diet and exercise improve this state of things, but not enough. A real revolution has occurred in the treatment of cellulite with Endermologie TM method.
From clinical point of view, the cellulite is presented in three different forms that can coexist in the same woman: swollen, firm and soft.
The edematous
is characterized by a particularly circulatory compromise that alters the functions metabolic exchange and cell reproduction. In this situation, the elimination of metabolic toxins and is lacking and the histological picture shows the suffering. Granulation is palpable in the deep layers, the skin plication than one centimeter in thickness and the squeezing of the fabric causes a lot of pain. The cast skin makes visible the state of laxity of the connective. Adipocytes increase the volume of fat tissue and produce a strong increase in stickiness and the fat is to be broken up and organized the first cellulite nodules on the surface is highlighted by the appearance of "orange peel". The blood and lymphatic circulation is weak and inadequate and cause a cold infiltration, apparent veins and capillaries, swelling and heaviness, cramping, tingling and mania. With these symptoms stadium cellulite can be considered rare serious.
Cellulite is a compact
training very adherent to the deep skin layers, polymerization causes a thickening and thickening of the basic substance to form a hard gelatin which tends to diminish before the circulatory surface, then the deep, making tissue very tense, as if glued to the deep muscle planes. The compact cellulite is typical of young women who have a hereditary predisposition tion or taking the pill trigger for this change. Plication not folded, the cast skin does not cause depression, causes extreme tension of the tissues. Increases the roughness to the alteration of the superficial microcirculation compromise. The nerve endings are damaged so the palpation causes pain. The location is typical, and formed the famous outboard bearings thigh high, called "trailer de cheval". The infiltration takes all the inner and outer thigh and when the alteration is very compromised the calf and ankle. The tension of the fabric and the hormonal status may cause stretch marks that are positioned vertically or horizontally depending on the type of alteration hormone itself. Treatment is focused on di fango, bendaggi con elettroterapia, per le loro proprietà lipolitiche, antiedematose e depurative, di nor-malizzazione dei tessuti, di ossigenazione, si ristabilizza l’equilibrio lipidico e circolatorio che normalizza la situazione di sofferenza che causa tensione e cellulite ai tessuti, massaggio per le sue azioni modellanti e tonificanti ed è un ottimo supporto di benessere.
È consigliabile un controllo ormonale e ovario e l’astensione dalla pillola, praticare movimento fisico molto mirato, ridurre il fumo e l’assunzione di alimenti ricchi di acidi grassi insaturi.
La cellulite molla
È il risultato finale di un processo fisiologico trascurato; si creano macronoduli costituiti da capsule di grasso ingabbiate in un tessuto duro, fibroso e sclerotizzato. Si formano così fasci di fibre connettivali fittamente stipate che si attaccano sia ai tessuti sottostanti, sia a quelli sovrastanti. In questa situazione si evidenzia una grave degenerazione del tessuto connettivo, l’acqua e i liquidi interstiziali di nutrimento mancano e il tessuto si sclorotizza, diventando fortemente flaccido e sofferente. Questo aspetto corrisponde alla cellulite molle che si osserva frequentemente nelle donne di una certa età. La situazione circolatoria è molto danneggiata, per cui l’infiltrato è freddo e si proiettano frequentemente vene e varici nei piani superficiali. La plicatura è molto voluminosa per la lassità dei tessuti e il calco cutaneo remains deep. Tenderness to palpation is not always present and is in line with the damage the circulatory system. Stretch marks are caused by the rupture of the fibers of the lack of support for regeneration and for the poor production of collagen and elastin, which are also reflected deficiencies wavy appearance of the skin. The location of the soft cellulite is almost always highlighted in the lower body, but in cases of generalized obesity can be found throughout the body. The treatment is certainly one of the most challenging and requires absolute consistency and diligence in its development to achieve significant results. Treatment is chosen according to the functional aesthetic problem of the subject, that should be checked often in weight and measures. Good nutrition and physical exercise are a fundamental support to achieve good results but also for their maintenance.

lymphedema and swollen legs
The problem of lymphedema (or swollen legs) is a condition of the limbs in which there is a fluid build-up mainly due to a change in the return of the sap as can happen after surgery lymph nodes or primary disease of the lymphatic vessels. This phenomenon is also evident in the early stages of venous insufficiency or LPG Endermologie cronica.Mediante technique that leads to traction on the tissues results in a resorption fluid and large proteins with a reduction in the swelling of the limb.

To reserve your relaxation, do not hesitate to contact me ...

Studio VAL TORTA Tamara Giovanoli
Vicosoprano 7603 081 834 03 04

Monday, April 7, 2008

Keen Venice Vs. Newport

Liver cirrhosis Hepatitis C protein blocked by EWI Hepatitis A graph-2wint

Un'articolo pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica statunitense Plos One di aprile 2008 rivela la scoperta di una proteina, denominata EWI-2wint, in grado di bloccare la penetrazione del virus dell'epatite C inside the cells.
The study concludes with the statement "In conclusion, our observation provides a basis for the rational design of new antiviral molecules. Furthermore, it represents a new mechanism that contributes to the regulation of entry of a pathogen into a host cell."
This discovery, made by a team of French - American, is a step forward to resolve the problem in the long run.
Unfortunately, there is currently a vaccine available to prevent new infections and the current treatments are not fully effective. It illustrates the urgent need for new therapeutic strategies because the infection is a global public health problem, which affecting over 130 million people worldwide, including its symptoms chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Best Grecian Hairstyles

- Symptoms of hepatitis Hepatitis

The chart above shows the incidence rate per year of enta ' hepatitis A in Italy. Currently, those at highest risk of infection are undoubtedly the young people aged between 15 and 24 years, residents in the South and Islands. The main risk factors associated with hepatitis A are the ingestion of raw seafood, contaminated water, contact with jaundiced patients as well as travel to endemic areas. Symptoms of hepatitis A are reported hepatitis A by clicking the link on the side.

Population groups that recommend vaccination:
  • travelers who go to countries with high endemicity

  • Military

  • Addicts active

  • patients awaiting liver transplantation who are not already immune to HAV

  • person handling of water and sewage

  • Persons exposed to contact with patients with hepatitis A in an outbreak in the community or institutions

  • and close contacts of patients living with hepatitis A

  • healthcare workers exposed to hepatitis A virus