Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who Is Singer Sammie Dating

Tonsillite criptica e alito cattivo

Sconfiggere definitivamente l'alito cattivo causato da tonsillite criptica

Tonsillite “criptico-caseosa” viene così definita per la presenza di cavità tonsillari dilatate (cripte) e di zaffi biancastri maleodoranti (caseum) o pietre tonsillari, emananti un odore terribile, dando luogo alla famosa alitosi criptica o alito cattivo .

Le pietre tonsillari si formano all'interno delle cripte tonsillari , which can cause bad breath and repeated infections such as abscesses or rheumatic diseases. Normally, we recommend asking the right specialists to carry out tests to assess whether infection status of cryptic tonsils.

For treatment you try in the first instance to medical treatment of various types, sometimes you need to go to traditional surgery or laser treatment. The tonsilloliti are one of the mysteries of our human condition.

It seems that there are some people genetically predisposed to the development of tonsillar stones causing bad breath. Normally those suffering from this problem, a complaint with the classic terrible halitosis smell of cheese (caseum) rotten, odore che fuoriesce dal proprio respiro, sia dalla bocca che dal naso classico alito cattivo .

L'alitosi criptico caseosa sembra non avere rimedi e controllo di tipo naturale. I soliti consigli sono quelli dell'utilizzo di interventi chirurgici per l'asportazione delle tonsille. Ma esistono sistemi naturali efficaci per debellare definitivamente il problema dell'alito cattivo causato dagli zaffi bianchi e puzzolenti?

Informazioni presenti in rete e consigli di illustri esperti puntano tutti sull'igiene tonsillare, la quale si e' rivelata poco efficace nel risolvere il problema..
Attento perchè le pietre tonsillari sono una reazione a slight inflammation of the tonsils cryptic (a kind of defense mechanism).

more you try to remove the white patches and smelly and more 'inflame the tonsil crypts, with the result that after half an hour recur invading the breath of a sulfur smell even more' teeth. As you know this smell is so strong as to resist any mouthwash or chewing gum.

know better than me how this problem can devastate our relational life. But looks up at the sky and thanked the author of this manual and 'finally succeeded in defeating the formation of tonsilloliti naturally. The secrets are contained in this manual (even if it 'in English should try to snatch the secret is not it? I apologize laguida has been translated into Italian)


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