Thursday, September 9, 2010

Free Sound Card Mv42v1..3


In the early days of June brought to the nationality of the cuts that this administration was doing on school buses.
We said that with Council Resolution No. 23 of 17/04/2010, the majority of Ciliberti had approved the "Regulations for the municipal transport service students" by providing that if a family lives less than 500 meters. from any school and wants to enroll their children in an educational establishment which is located across town, could have done, but from 1 September would had to give up school bus service.
then asked people what they thought of such action, which cut its economic resources to the school and they responded with disappointment to us that because of this limitation and can not accompany them personally, would be forced to choose schools close to home, when he would have preferred another, we explained that, if only to stop in front of schools buses, this would solve some problems with traffic jams that occur in front of schools because of long lines of cars, with all the dangers entailed for pedestrians Because of the usual risky maneuvers. How
Association remind our administrators for the sacred right of parents a non subire limitazioni che possano influire sulla loro libertà di scegliere la scuola ritenuta più adatta ai propri figli, garantito dall’art. 3 della Costituzione, norma che tutela "il pieno sviluppo della persona umana", imponendo la rimozione degli "ostacoli”, che limitino di fatto "la libertà e l'uguaglianza dei cittadini".
Oggi 8 settembre prendiamo atto che l’Amministrazione non è tornata sui propri passi; quelle limitazioni che ieri erano solo scritte oggi sono applicate.
Stando così le cose, riteniamo giusto unirci ai genitori che vorranno far sentire la propria voce, per protestare contro queste misure, dando appoggio a questa come ad altre iniziative che si vorranno intraprendere.
CIVIC NETWORK - Nationals to Monte Sant'Angelo