Monday, March 9, 2009

Double Happiness Stencil

Question and Answer A

Domanda: Quando mi è stata diagnosticata l'epatite C, mi è stato detto che si tratta di una malattia cronica del fegato. La scorsa settimana il mio medico mi ha però detto che non ne sono più affetto. Sono confuso. Credevo che malattia cronica significasse averla for the rest of life.

Answer: Chronic diseases are long-term illnesses. Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV), can turn into a chronic disease: what happens in about 80% of infected people. Approximately 15-20% instead will no longer be carrying the virus after a brief illness.

Hepatitis C is diffusing through direct contact with the blood of an infected person and does not spread through hand hugging, kissing or shaking hands. This means that people at risk of hepatitis C are those who have had a blood transfusion before 1990, together those who use injection drugs, share equipment related to drug use and non-sterile equipment for tattooing and piercing.

There is no vaccine against hepatitis C. You should not share a toothbrush, razor, or anything else that might contain traces of infected blood. You should also use latex condoms during sex, reducing the number of sexual partners and avoiding the use of drugs.

HCV differs from hepatitis A, which is spread through contaminated food or water. Both for hepatitis A and B vaccines are available for protecting infection. Your doctor may recommend this vaccine if you travel to areas where hepatitis A and B are present.


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