Thursday, February 26, 2009

Best Pontoon Furniture


E 'yesterday's news that the Mayor of Ancona, Fabio Sturani share in PD, would finally formalized his resignation.

This would be the end of a turbulent political career that has seen the mayor also be called to account by the judiciary, then get out unscathed thanks to the mechanism of limitation.

From what we read in the device, the mayor and the contractor Roberto Rossi port "have entered into a corrupt agreement" in a deal that involved the sale of an area and its future use.

Now the Municipality of Ancona will be Commissioner until the date of the next election, which certainly coincide with the elections scheduled on June 6 and 7, when they will vote for the renewal of the European Parliament.

Until then the Democratic Party will have a lot of work, so that its mayoral candidate succeed in securing the necessary consensus to get elected.

Probably there will also be formed from lists of people willing willing to engage in politics with passion and spirit di abnegazione e che riescano a mediare, articolando una campagna elettorale fondata sull’esperienza e sulle buone pratiche, per infrangere il muro di diffidenza che ovunque avvolge la politica e le sue istituzioni.

Il sindaco dimissionario Fabio Sturani lascia in anticipo il suo secondo mandato, succedendo a Renato Galeazzi, per due volte eletto deputato nelle liste del Partito Democratico, nel 2001 e nel 2006, giĆ  sindaco di Ancona dal 1° febbraio ‘93 fino al 13 maggio 2001. Ora la parola passa ai cittadini, professionista affermato e politico raffinato.


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