Friday, June 4, 2010

Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken Movie For Sale

cuts in school.

which administers the majority of our city, by Resolution of Council No. 23 of 17/04/2010, approved the "Regulations for the municipal transport service students" by providing that if a family lives less than 500 meters. from any school and wants to enroll their children in an educational establishment which is located across town, you can do it, but from 1 September will be without school bus service.
We asked what they think the citizens of this measure that cuts the economic resources to their school and we collected their disappointment: "... so in fact, when registering, because of this limitation and can not accompany them personally, we will be forced to choose schools close to home, when we would have preferred another ... it is also necessary to bear in mind that if you just stand in front of schools buses, this would solve some problems with traffic jams that occur in front of schools because of long lines of cars with all the dangers entailed for pedestrians because of the usual risky maneuvers. "
Il diritto dei genitori di non subire limitazioni che influiscano sulla libertà di scegliere la scuola ritenuta più adatta ai propri figli è garantito dall’art. 3 della Costituzione; è noto a tutti che questa norma tutela "il pieno sviluppo della persona umana", imponendo la rimozione degli "ostacoli”, che limitino di fatto "la libertà e l'uguaglianza dei cittadini".
Leggiamo dal verbale della seduta consiliare del 17/04/2010, che con questa decisione si vuole “… ottimizzare la fruizione del servizio trasporto alunni …”; per noi ottimizzare significa reperire risorse per mantenere più scuolabus in funzione e non prendere decisioni che penalizzano chi abita a meno di 500 mt.
In the same session, the majority, without specifying exactly how much money the city saves with these cuts, since families still participating with the share of contribution, "... there is the end to avoid waste of money ..." excellent idea! but perhaps it would have been fairer to cut elsewhere, without further aggravating the situation of families mountains. Finally
the damage appears to join the prank: This regulation applies not only to those who still choose where to enroll their children for first grade, but also those who, a few years ago, chose a school farther from home near and until now has benefited from the regular school bus service.

(Antonio Masullo and Pasquale Lauriola. Civic Network - Citizens for Monte Sant'Angelo)


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